Art Farm’s artist residency program is for professionals, emerging or established, in all areas of the arts, humanities, and areas related: offering accommodations and studio space to pursue their art in exchange for a contribution of labor of 12 hours per week to help renovate and maintain Art Farm’s buildings and grounds as well as other projects, suited to skills and temperament.
All who apply need to be self-motivated and resourceful. Art Farm’s location is semi-isolated and rural and because of this condition, cooperation, social tolerance and an ability to share tasks is helpful.
Residencies are available between 1 June and 1 November (a residency can be of any duration within these months), with accommodations available for up to twelve residents at one time: collaborators, families, and couples are welcome to apply.
Art Farm supports families/partners with children offering studio and living space consisting of kitchen, bath, sitting and dining, private bedrooms. Rooms in the main barn complex and the two-story farmhouse are available options.
When applying, consider that it might take a little time to adjust to the environment, particularly if you are new to Nebraska, and if you are planning a large outdoor project, the weather may not always be your cooperative companion. A note to families: this is not an urban park, but a real farm with biting insects, feral animals, dirt, construction projects, and large machines. Finally, pets cannot come with you.
Move your mouse or finger over any image to the right for a general description or click on one of the drop down links above for a photographic tour of what you can expect, and what is requested in return from you. If any questions remain, send an email to,
Art Farm operates on a labor-intensive principle and requests a contribution of labor 12 hours weekly. Initially for each resident, this is during weekday mornings, based on weather conditions and the project, but as you become familiar with the general organization and schedule of Art Farm, you may choose working times, at any time during the day, better suited to your personal preference. As maintenance is a constant activity, most projects include general construction, deconstruction and carpentry, grounds maintenance, with some fund raising projects and office work. There are scores of projects happening in every building and you are may pick from whichever one matches your temperament or interest. If you wish to learn construction skills, this could be your chance to pick up a little knowledge about renovation, studio improvements, building dismantling, salvaging and material reuse.
'Facilities' is used here as a wide net covering machinery, equipment, materials, and the general technical advice offered by Art Farm in the areas of metalworking, woodworking, letterpress printing, engineering, earthmoving, and ceramics, complete with an assortment of metal scrap, electronics, paper, timber/logs, on site clay, etc., and abundance of organic materials: tractors, loaders, wagons and pickup truck etc. are accessible for moving and lifting heavy materials. Intern assistance is available on a per need basis. If you need a specific tool, machine, or material, just send an email to check if it exists at Art Farm.
Click on one of the round images below, appropriate to your creative area and it will open the link to the application form.
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The deadline for 2023 residencies was March 1. The call for 2023 residency applications is now closed
The call for 2023 residency applications will open on Nov 1, 2023 with a deadline of March 1, 2023.
The residency season is from June 1 to November 1
residency information |
The call for 2025 residency applications is now closed
The call for 2026 applications will open on November 1, 2025 with a deadline of 11:59PM, February 1, 2026